Organization of the school

Organi šole


Frequently asked questions

After high school, students have to decide on further studies. There are many options: 2-year post-secondary programs or 3-year or more college or university programs. 

The difference between these types of studies is not only in the duration, but also in the scope of practical work during the studies and in the complexity.  

Colleges of higher education are very practically oriented, there are many exercises as part of the studies, and every year students also have 10 weeks of practice with employers. In this way, they learn a lot, and they can also secure their future job. Employers are happy to hire someone who has proven himself well during his internship. Students can also do internships abroad as part of Erasmus+. 

Conscientious students can even get a diploma after two years of study. 

We recommend studying at a vocational college to students who  

  • who are not yet sure of their career path,  
  • who are close to practically oriented studies, 
  • who would like to get a job as soon as possible, 
  • who do not have study habits,  
  • who wants to go to school near their hometown,  
  • who want to save (studying is cheaper than in Ljubljana), ... 

We are the only school in Slovenia that offers free MEP studies. Full-time study in the Economist program is also free. 

We also offer tutoring to students every year. Senior year students are usually tutors for first year students. Of course, it can also be help between classmates who help each other with their studies or in other areas. 

In addition to peer tutoring, students can also choose a lecturer tutor who guides them throughout their studies. 

Let us emphasize that our graduates can continue their studies at colleges.

Studying at our school is extremely practical, there are many projects, cooperation with external experts from both the economic and media fields, we also offer the possibility of doing an internship abroad, we connect with domestic employers and empower students to the maximum extent possible to enter the business world as successfully as possible. the world of their profession.  

In addition to the study process, we carry out a series of internal, national and international projects in which students are involved. Students can complete practical training, which is an important part of their studies, abroad. The school helps students to find an employer abroad, as we have partners in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta and elsewhere.

At the school, we run two programs, economics and media production, as full-time and part-time studies.  

We are the only school in Slovenia that offers free media production studies. 

Studying at our school is extremely practical, there are many projects, cooperation with external experts from both the economic and media fields, we also offer the possibility of doing an internship abroad, we connect with domestic employers and empower students to the maximum extent possible to enter the business world as successfully as possible. the world of their profession.  

We run two study programs at EŠNM VSŠ; Media production and Economics, which we connect with each other through projects and cross-program cooperation, so that students of media production also acquire knowledge of economics/entrepreneurship, and students of economics learn how to use media to advantage in economics. At our school, economics and media go hand in hand.  

Students in the ECONOMIST study program acquire knowledge and skills in the fields of marketing, procurement, sales, informatics, economics, business communication, business law, business mathematics with statistics, quality management, management, international business and basic knowledge in the field of finance and accounting. It is crucial for a future assistant in international business to know foreign languages ​​(English and German). 

As part of the exercises, we carry out quite a few internal and international projects, in which we encourage teamwork and interdisciplinary integration. We develop creativity, entrepreneurship, financial literacy and critical thinking, media knowledge and digital marketing skills. These are projects where ECONOMY and MEDIA go hand in hand. 

Students in the MEDIA PRODUCTION study program acquire knowledge and skills in the field of business communication, media, photography, video, graphic design, web production, animation, English and project work. 

As part of the exercises, we carry out quite a few internal and international projects, in which we encourage teamwork and interdisciplinary integration. We develop creativity, entrepreneurship, financial literacy and critical thinking, media knowledge and digital marketing skills. These are projects where ECONOMY and MEDIA go hand in hand. 

Nowadays, in addition to formal education, it is even more important what a person actually knows when he finds himself on the job market. That is why at our school we carry out quite a few internal and also international projects, with which we want to further expand our students' horizons and empower them to enter the labor market. With the projects, we want to offer students even more knowledge and skills than the syllabus requires, and they are carried out during the exercises.  

These are projects where ECONOMY and MEDIA go hand in hand. 



All 1st year students are involved in this project. Their task is to design their business idea and develop it according to the method of design thinking and the principles of lean entrepreneurship. In this project, our slogan: ECONOMY AND MEDIA GO HAND IN HAND, as media people acquire basic economic knowledge, and economists acquire media skills.  

We are aware that our students will one day be self-employed and that these basic skills will come in very handy on their independent entrepreneurial journey. 

The bravest students apply for the POPRI entrepreneurial competition. 


We offer students content in the field of financial literacy. Research shows that Slovenians do not know how to work with money. Therefore, with guest lecturers and events, we make our students aware of how to handle money, how to save or even start financial investments, and last but not least, how to take care of a better pension. 


Until the pandemic, tourism was considered to be the fastest growing industry in the world, and this is being confirmed once again these days. And since we do not have these contents in the curriculum, we offer them through a project led by the Tourist Association of SLOVENIA. All 2nd-year students participate in the project and learn how to design a tourist product, how to promote it and present it to visitors of the annual Natour Alpe Adria fair, which takes place at the Economic Exhibition Center in Ljubljana. 


Since studying at VSŠ is very practical, our students work on assignments and products that must be submitted ON TIME. This project is intended primarily for media. Because experience shows that they are generally less organized than economists. We want to make them aware of how important it is to stick to agreements and deadlines in the media world - i.e. dealinea. 


We organize one media event each year. This means that the entire school is presented to the public, with the participation of students and lecturers. We held a makeover event in Qulandia (Supernova), a business pitch, a dance event with PSNM in the Tuš center, a photo booth in the center of New Town, TEDx Youth, Digi MEDEK. 


We cooperate very well with our employers, and they repeatedly emphasize that our students have a lot of professional knowledge. However, it is still necessary to work on the development of soft skills. ATTITUDE, ATTITUDE - is sometimes more important than knowledge! Therefore, with various events and lecturers, we prepare students to acquire soft skills as well. 


International projects are an important part of the extracurricular offer at the school, as students also participate in them. We are currently involved in five projects in which we develop innovative and green approaches in the field of ENTREPRENEURSHIP, develop DIGITAL SKILLS, promote inclusion. 

Practicing an internship abroad is an equally important part of international activity.

After completing their studies at a higher professional school, graduates can enroll in the 2nd year of some higher education programs. These programs are defined in the annual Call for admission to higher education institutions

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