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4D Dream, Dare Partners: Ireland, Spain, Nederlands, Finland, Slovenia. We aim to provide vocational education students with the knowledge and skills that will benefit them

Preberi več

The vision of the school

Želimo postati vodilna višja strokovna šola na področju ekonomije in medijev, ki se hitro prilagaja aktualnim družbenim spremembam. S strokovno podkovanim predavatelji v spodbudnem in kreativnem okolju omogočamo študentom razvijanje kompetenc, ki jim omogočajo zaposljivost in uspeh v svojih karierah.


Kakovost, kreativnost, sodelovanje, prilagodljivost, trajnost


Naše poslanstvo je izvajati kakovosten in brezplačen izobraževalni proces, ki navdihuje študente in jih usposablja za uspešno zaposlitev. S tesnim sodelovanjem s poslovnimi subjekti gradimo most med teorijo in prakso ter podpiramo trajnost in digitalni prehod.


What our students say about us

Mnenja, ki jih imajo naši študentje o nas, predstavljajo naši šoli neprecenljiv vir povratnih informacij o tem, kako dobro opravljamo svoje delo.

"I experience school as a place where you are heard and everyone has the common goal of succeeding and pursuing their dreams. The lectures here are full of new and useful knowledge. You learn everything about financial knowledge that is so important for us young people today, the professors adapt to the maximum so that the studies go smoothly, they are available for any help and questions, the classes are relaxed and we take away a lot of useful information, and there is also a lot of independent work that allows us to learn to find answers and solutions in life by ourselves. The school also allows us to practice and work in excellent companies abroad, which allows us to gain a lot of quality experience and knowledge, and maybe even find a potential employer after we graduate. And most importantly, it is a very financially friendly study for us students. All the visits of external lecturers and guests organized as part of the training, which, by the way, are excellent and of high quality, are free of charge, as well as all the equipment we need for the work (computers, cameras, recording devices, etc.)".
Maja Zajc
"What I like about the school is that you can arrange everything with the staff, they are always available and ready to help and advise. The relationship between teachers and students is mostly respectful and friendly. Most of the work for the school is done during lectures, but we also have independent work. Both theoretical knowledge and practical experience that will definitely help me in my future career path."
Kristina Beskorvajni
"The school is small, but that's what makes it so much friendlier and allows for more authentic relationships, both between students and between students and teachers. The modern equipment that students can borrow for projects allows for quality teaching. Members of the school encourage us to participate in activities such as Erasmus+ exchanges, participation in various events, projects and trainings. We often have renowned experts as guests, who provide additional motivation to discover and achieve personal goals. The studies are not too demanding and I think it is the right choice for those who want to develop their creativity."
Laura Prosenik

Student support

Andreja Petrovič


07 393 3266
Barbara Štor

Student affairs

07 393 3267

Damjana Možič


07 393 3297

Katarina Adžaga Uršič


07 393 3276

Sonja Kukman


07 393 3267

Jerica Božič Kranjec


07 393 3276

Digital visit to our school

Ob vstopu v virtualni sprehod kliknite meni in izberite višjo strokovno šolo. Tako boste dobili vpogled v prostore višje šole.

V predavalnicah so na razpolago računalniki, ki omogočajo skupinsko delo.

Foto in video studio, sta specializirani učilnici za potrebe medijske produkcije.

laptop, apple, keyboard-2589420.jpg

V sodobno opremljenih računalniških učilnicah potekajo predavanja za oba programa.